Teach Five Habits to Children to Avoid Allergies and Infections

It is a common fact that the child’s routine changes in the first year of school, it suddenly needs to be reconciled to a large number of different people and the environment. In such a situation, they can be easily infected with many types of allergies or infections. It is important that at this time a little caution and vigilance be kept at the same level for both parents and teachers. Read these points carefully –

  • Teach children the proper way to wash hands . Especially after coming to the bathroom, after coming home from anywhere and at school before lunch and breakfast, if your child is allergic to any kind of food or other things, then before taking it, consult the doctor first.
  • Teach the child not to touch his clothes, guardrail, bench, board or nose, etc.
  • If an item like medicine or spray for allergies has been prescribed to the child, then keep it in the child’s bag and tell the teacher about it so that if needed, these tools can be used.
  • Allergies can also be caused by dust, fumes, soft toys, bedsheets, pets, etc. in children, keep all these things clean.
  • If the child has any problems like asthma, then teach him how to protect himself from the triggers. Also, tell the children how to prevent them from being infected by the infection or by the symptoms of people.
  • Teach your child to use napkins or tissue paper on the nose flowing. As well as sneezing or coughing, put a habit of keeping the napkin or tissue in the mouth. This will not cause the transition to other children.
  • Apply all vaccines on time.
  • Do not send school when the problem increases and start treatment immediately.

Allergies that are usually troublesome in children include food allergies, asthma, cold or air allergies, skin allergies, allergic reactions, etc. These symptoms can arise due to them-

  • Lack of appetite, stomachache, vomiting, or digestion of food
  • breathing problem, Cold-cold, noiselessness, or throat pain
  • Eyelashes, swelling, itching, etc.
  • Tiredness or non-active
  • Fever or a headache
  • Skin, rash, rash, itching, burning, and patches, etc.

Marie Originals Organic Ear Oil for Kids

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